Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1



a.) I, Kimberly Gonzalez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b.) Evelyn Luna helped me complete this component.
c.) Done
d.) During these 30 hours I spent my time at the side of my mentor, getting a better feel as to what she does. I realized that it was going to be a very busy 30 hours, since there were recovery workshops going on. I helped her by making copies for the students and their parents. These recovery workshops were taking place during my 30 hours. All three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

-This entire experience has been significant because they help me realize that being an academic counselor isn't an easy job. She always has a busy day and I absolutely look up to her because even after a long stressful day, she manages to put a big hear-warming smile on her face and is always willing to give a helping hand. I was able to take pictures of her office and what it held but not images of her while in action because of security issues.   

-The component helped me understand the foundation of my topic better because it opened my eyes to a more "real" scene. When I had gone during the summer, there wasn't much to see or do since the classes weren't set and not many students needed help, due to them barely settling back in. So seeing her and helping her work with the students in the recovery workshops was an experience that is unique. Not every day do you get to see the counselors in action.

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