Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog : Independent Component


a.) "I, Kimberly Gonzalez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours worth of work."
b.) I have three sources that helped me complete my independent component, which are the culture fair at Mt. Sac, Evelyn Luna at UC Riverside and a book called "Parent's Guide to College and Careers" by Barbara Cooke.
c.) Done
d.) On April 9th, I attended the culture fair that took place at Mt. San Antonio Community College, and there I was basically taken around the world and was shown all the great and wonderful things that comes along with each country. On April 17th and 18th I went with Evelyn Luna, an academic counselor at UC Riverside and shadowed her around during the day. And for the rest of my seven hours, I took Cornell notes on the book that Ortega lent me. Since in an hour, I do 3, then for 7 hours, I should have done 21 and I did.


Going to the culture fair was such an amazing experience because as I watched them dance and talk about the different cultures, it made me realize that there are many people out all around us that have different cultures and different religions and a college counselor has to see that too in order for them to give appropriate and helpful advice to his or her students.

 They were so happy to take pictures !
 The looked beautiful and even had their own photo booth in their own Bangladesh station

 I can say they were amazing Salsa dancers, they even showed us some basic Salsa moves!
 These two Hawaiian dancers danced amazing and they even showed us some of their traditional instruments including the hula hula.
 This is also another student showing us another, quite unique Hawaiian dance.
 These two were from the UK group. The guy on the right looks like he is in pain.. he is. He didn't expect people to take pictures of him while he was wearing his tiny tiara..
These amazing group represented the American Deaf Culture and they only made me 10 times more interested in their culture.
I know that it is side ways, I couldn't find how to make it right side up but I have the hard copies with me in my binder. I took notes on the book I previously mentioned and although it is a "Parent's Guide" I did carry helpful information on college for me.

 I did seven hours worth of Cornell notes on April 23rd and on April 24th.


Doing these 30 hours helped me be more confident on my previous answers as well as my third answer. The fair helped me feel secure about my third answer because culture is important, we each have different cultures and it's important to learn how to give appropriate advice without insulting someone's culture or religion. As for the book and seeing my mentor Evelyn Luna, they both helped me see the importance of college starting from the senior year of high school. And the book had so much information on career assessments that is part of my first answer. The book started talking about how Psychologist John Holland created one of the most popular frameworks for career-interest inventories used in high school and college.

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