Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval


1. I plan on going over with my mentor, Evelyn Luna to UC Riverside and with my other mentor, Elmer Rodriguez at Mt. SAC. With both mentors, I plan to shadow around and see how it is that they work, what they do, how they do it. I also plan on doing 10 hours worth of research that will help me with my third answer that is based on multicultural counseling, and the affects it has on colleges and universities.

2. Well showing the proof of the hours will be hard but with the research part, I can do notes on the books and or articles that I read. Due to me not being eighteen, I won't be able to be in the same office as my mentors but I'll find a way to have proof of my hours.

3. I will be doing research on the topic of multicultural counseling, i'll be looking into more books and articles and taking notes that will be worth the rest of my hours. As for with my mentors, seeing how the work, what they do with the students, or maybe if I'm given scenarios, that could serve as proof of me being with them.

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